Cause details

Expand access to electric cooking in the Madhesh Province of Nepal

The project aims to encourage people for using renewable energy (electric stove) in the kitchen that can contribute in saving human’s health as well as forest (environment), time and money. It further contributes in reducing women’s work load and minimize the use of Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). People who are utilizing firewood for more than 60% of energy in their kitchen are the major target population of this project.

The project has just been started in Ganeshman Charnath Municipality, Dhanusha, Madhes province. The baseline survey is undergoing in January 2025. Clink on the following link for more information:

Janaki Women Awareness Society has collaborated with Sustainable Prosperity Initiative Nepal (SPI) to implement this project.

Benefits of electric cooking stove (विधुतीय चुलो प्रयोग गर्नाले हुने फाइदाहरु):

विद्युतीय चुलोको प्रयोग गर्नाले दाउरा, गुइँठा, पराल, र भुस जस्ता परम्परागत र धँुवायुतm ऊर्जाका श्रोतको प्रयोग हटाउन र घटाउन सकिन्छ । धुँवायुतm उर्जा श्रोतको प्रयोग गर्दा घरभित्र हुने धुँवा, धुलो जस्ता फोहोर र वायु प्रदुषणबाट घरभित्र बस्ने परिवारका सदस्य र खासगरी भन्छामा कामगर्ने मानिसको स्वास्थ्यमा पार्ने नकारात्मक असर बाट बचाउन सकिन्छ । परम्परागत ऊर्जाको उपयोग गर्दा उत्पन्न हुने धँुवा, धुलो जस्ता प्रदुषणका कारण वर्षेनी २२ हजारभन्दा बढी मानिसको ज्यान जाने गरेको अध्यनहरुको निष्कर्ष छ ।

Content by: Mr. Hari Dhungel