We Completed 150+ Project
32+ Years Experiences
About us

Welcome to JWAS

Janaki Women Awareness Society (JWAS) is a women-led non-governmental organization established in 1993 by a group of local women activists and social workers, with registration at the District Administration Office of Government of Nepal, Dhanusha district as well as the Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu. The organization works to empower marginalized communities particularly women and girls, dalits, youth, Janajati, people with disabilities, disaster stricken and conflict affected people and facilitate them to overcome the social discrimination and humanitarian crises. JWAS mainly apply the approaches of civic engagement, policy advocacy, education, empowerment, community mobilization, community dialogues including intergenerational dialogues and research to meet the communities need and country priorities.

0 + people served
0 + Community reached

Our Vision, Mission, and Goal

We are committed to empowering women and marginalized communities for a better society.


Dignified Women: Prosperous Society


Organize and empower women and marginalized people for enjoying their rights and inspiring their engagement to achieve a prosperous society.


Improve and promote the economic, social, political, health, and environmental status of women, girls, and marginalized people.

Our Major Objectives

We are committed to creating meaningful and lasting impacts through these key focus areas.

  • Promoting the situation of human (women) rights and education for peace, harmony, and democracy promotion.
  • Ending harmful social norms against women (witchcraft, child marriage, dowry system) and creating awareness on HIV/AIDS.
  • Livelihood promotion through entrepreneurship development & employment creation.
  • Preparing the community for climate change adaptation and disaster mitigation & management.
  • Promoting good governance and social accountability.
  • Improving health, hygiene, drinking water, and sanitation conditions of the community.
  • Contributing to gender equality and social inclusion through every activity of all projects.
  • Protecting natural resources and the environment.
  • Producing new knowledge through research, surveys, studies, and assessments.

Our Strategic Priorities

The strategic priorities listed below are JWAS's core areas of focus, aiming to strengthen the organization and its impact in the coming years.

  • Livelihood Promotion and Capacity Enhancement

    JWAS strives to increase livelihood opportunities for women, youths, and marginalized communities through income generation and skills training, aiming to reduce poverty, end child marriage, and support early married girls.

  • Research and Advocacy

    Conducting research and advocacy activities for the rights of girls, women, children, and marginalized communities, reducing ethnic and gender-based discrimination through policy-level interventions and education.

  • Education and Empowerment

    Promoting literacy and quality education among marginalized groups through non-formal education and community school support activities.

  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

    Improving adolescent girls' and women's sexual and reproductive health through awareness campaigns, advocacy, and services such as safe abortion and HIV/AIDS education.

  • Social Mobilization and Awareness

    Citizen engagement through social mobilization and awareness strategies, empowering women and girls to address social issues and ensuring community involvement in development programs.

  • Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

    Empowering communities for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation while promoting national priorities on carbon reduction and clean energy.

  • Prevention, Protection, and Prosecution

    Protecting and preventing marginalized groups from violence while taking action against any forms of violence, including gender-based violence.

  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

    Increasing access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and improved health conditions for marginalized communities.

  • Peace, Governance, and Democracy

    Promoting democracy by engaging marginalized groups in the electoral process, leadership development, and decision-making, while supporting conflict-affected people.

  • Disability Rehabilitation

    Providing rehabilitation services, promoting equitable education access, and supporting daily living activities for individuals with disabilities.

  • Organizational Development

    Institutionalizing JWAS and affiliated organizations to become a reputed national-level organization, while building community-level capacity to sustain development activities.

Our Approaches

JWAS adopts the following approaches to ensure the effective implementation of its programs and projects, fostering inclusion, empowerment, and sustainability.

  • Participation

    Rely on the full participation of Dalit, women, and children with direct experience of targeted problems.

  • Networks/Linkages

    Create new networks with local governments, academics, lawyers, police, activists, CSOs, stakeholders, and donors to empower marginalized communities, women, and children.

  • Rights and Advocacy

    Bring positive changes in attitudes and policies concerning marginalized communities, women, and children through organization and empowerment.

  • Non-Discriminatory

    Promote respect for individual and human rights across religious, regional, caste, gender, and political lines.

  • Gender Sensitive

    Provide equal opportunities for men and women in the workplace and the community.

  • Empowerment and Conflict Reconciliation

    Empower targeted communities and build peace through reconciliation of interests.

  • Apolitical

    Ensure activities and programs remain non-partisan and neutral in nature.

  • Do No Harm Principle

    Implement activities that do not harm individuals, organizations, institutions, or parties.

  • Accountability and Transparency

    Remain accountable to the targeted community and share all relevant information with stakeholders.

  • Awareness on HIV/AIDS

    Integrate awareness on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS into all projects.

  • Capacity Building

    Develop skills, practices, and attitudes for positive change.

  • Inclusion

    Ensure inclusiveness of target communities and disadvantaged groups in decision-making and program implementation.

  • Learning Management

    Facilitate knowledge sharing and learning management to promote growth and innovation.

  • Sexual Harassment

    Take decisive action against sexual harassment at all levels, including board, staff, communities, and stakeholders.

  • Partnership

    Foster partnerships at grassroots, district, national, and international levels to maximize program impact.

  • Sustainability

    Ensure sustainability of project results through empowerment, stakeholder mobilization, and partnership building.

Our Values & Beliefs

We are guided by principles that ensure inclusiveness, dignity, and excellence in all our endeavors.


Inclusion of rights holders in the decision-making process.

Cost Effectiveness

Delivering quality services at the right price.

Human Dignity

Respect and uphold the right of people to live a dignified life.


Ensuring the delivery of services to rights holders efficiently.


Collaborating with stakeholders to achieve goals.

Transparency & Accountability

Maintaining transparency and accountability in all dealings.


Fostering a culture of care among staff and members.


Promoting harmony, peace, and unity in diversity.


Extending a helping hand whenever needed.

Dignity of Labor

Valuing labor as a key to life and ensuring it is dignified.

Inclusiveness & Good Governance

Inclusion of diverse backgrounds as a foundation for governance.

National & International Policies

Adhering to policies and directives with high respect and value.


Ensuring the safety of women, girls, children, minorities, and people with disabilities.

Affiliation & Networking

JWAS believes in affiliation and networking with other local, regional, national and international organization so as to amplify the impact we do in the community. We have established significant numbers of affiliation with local, regional, national and international organizations.

Composition of Members

Type of Membership Total Men % Women % Dalit % Janjati % Others %
Founder Member 11 0 0 11 100 2 18 3 27 6 55
Life/General Member 67 16 24 51 76 10 15 11 17 46 68
Executive Committee (EC) Members 7 2 29 5 71 2 29 2 29 3 42

Staff Composition

Total Number of Staffs Female Staffs Male Staffs Dalit Non-Dalit
47 25 22 17 30

Donors and Funding Partners

JWAS has had the privilege to work with numerous esteemed national and international funding partners since its establishment in 1993.

  • Bills and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • NVF/ Ignite Philanthrophy/ Out of Shadows Grant
  • University of Brighton, UK / University of Lincoln, UK / AHRC
  • UN Women/LACC
  • PLAN International Nepal
  • International Foundation for Electoral System / DFAT
  • ODI/ALiGN Micro Grants
  • DKA Austria/Kfb Austria
  • Rockflower Partners
  • MAP-University of Brighton, UK / University of Lincoln, UK / AHRC
  • CTS-University of Brighton, UK / University of Leeds, UK / AHRC
  • Mundo Cooperante, Spain
  • Street Child International, Nepal / UKaid Direct / DFID Nepal
  • Dorothea Haus Ross Foundation / Street Child of Nepal
  • Search for Common Ground, Nepal / DFID Nepal
  • Global Sanitation Fund / UN-Habitat, Nepal
  • RWSSFDB / World Bank
  • Election Commission of Nepal
  • More than Brides Alliance / SIMAVI
  • Global Giving (Crowdfunding Platform)
  • Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA), Nepal
  • SPI Nepal And Imperative Global

*See the respective sections for more information about JWAS donors and partners.

Geographical Coverage

Though JWAS is based in the Southern part of Nepal, since its establishment to till date, JWAS has experience of implementing its programs and projects in 30 districts out of 77 districts of Nepal. Yet, our work has mainly focused on central and eastern parts of Nepal.

Major Experiences

Since its establishment back in 1993 to till date, JWAS has implemented 151 programs/projects. Out of them, 10 projects are ongoing at present.

*See the respective sections for details of JWAS projects.

Shape Shape

Major Stakeholders

  • Relevant Ministry at Federal and Provincial Government
  • District coordination committees and Local government units (LGUs)
  • District based government agencies/offices
  • District court and lawyers association
  • Security agencies/offices
  • LGU based government units
  • Election Commission of Nepal (ECN)
  • NGOs/CBOs/Umbrellas and Networks
  • Media/Mass Media
  • Academia
  • Private Sectors
  • Political parties and sisters organization
  • Intellectuals and opinion leaders
  • Social activists
  • Commercial organizations/Vendors

Strengths of the Organization

  • Good reputation and image in the community/Positive impact in the community.
  • Committed leadership.
  • Sufficient number of human resources.
  • Availability of appropriate and modern equipment.
  • Competent, skilled, experienced and committed human resource of diverse area.
  • Inclusiveness of marginalized and ethnic group in programs, staff, and in board members.
  • Governed by the rules, regulations, and policies.
  • Harmonious relationship and coordination among the staff and executive committee.
  • Good relationship and partnership with government agencies, NGOs, and private sectors.

Major Policies and Guidelines

  • JWAS Statute 2050 BS -1993
  • Strategic Planning (2021-2025)
  • Human Resource Policy -2058 BS
  • Administrative, Financial, and Procurement Policy 2058 BS
  • Gender and Social Inclusion Policy -2063 BS
  • Partnership Policy 2063 BS
  • Monitoring & Evaluation Guidelines 2063 BS
  • Social Mobilization Strategy -2063 BS
  • Child Protection Policy- 2075 BS
  • Safeguarding Policy- 2076 BS
  • Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Policy – 2080 BS
  • Ownership Handover Guidelines-2080
  • Information and Data Protection Policy 2081
  • Common Cost Sharing Guidelines 2068
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Policy 2080